Below some of the academic articles and papers on High Performance Organizations by André de Waal MSc, MBA, PhD.
- André de Waal (2005), The characteristics of a high performance organization, Paper presented during the British Academy of Management Conference, Oxford
- André de Waal (2008), The secret of high performance organizations, Management Online Review, April: 1-10
- André de Waal and Frijns, M. (2009), Working on high performance in Asia: the case of Nabil Bank, Measuring Business Excellence, 13, 3: 29-38
- Waal, A. de, Duong, H. and V. Ton (2009), High Performance in Vietnam: The Case of the Vietnamese Banking Industry, Journal of Transnational Management, 14:179–201
- Bagorogoza,J. and André de Waal (2010), The role of knowledge management in creating and sustaining high performance organisations: The case of financial institutions in Uganda, paper presented at International Academy of African Business and Development Conference, Winner best paper award
- André de Waal (2010), Achieving high performance in the public sector. What needs to be done? Public Performance & Management Review, 34, 1: 81–103
- André de Waal (2011), Strategy only matters a bit, the role of strategy in the high performance organization, Procedures of the Annual
International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behaviour (BizStrategy 2011): 19-24
- Waal, A. de and Chachage, B. (2011), Applicability of the high performance organizations framework at an East African university: the case of Iringa University College, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 6, 2: 148-167
- André de Waal and Frijns, M. (2011), Longitudinal research into factors of high performance: the follow-up case of Nabil Bank, Measuring Business Excellence, 15, 1:4-19, Winner of the Outstanding Paper Award 2012
- André de Waal and Frijns, M. (2011), Applicability of the high performance organizations framework in central Africa: the case of Rwanda’s MINALOC, Paper, 1st Annual Research Conference of Maastricht School of Management
- André de Waal and Meingast, A. (2011), Determinant Factors for High Performance in the Temping Industry, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 9, 4: 35-46
- André de Waal and Orcotoma Escalante, G. (2011), Does the application of corporate social responsibility support a high performance organisation in achieving better results? The case of mining multinationals in Peru, International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management, 3, 1: 33-49
- André de Waal (2012), Applicability of the high performance organization framework at a multinational enterprise, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 32, 1: 51-63
- André de Waal and Sultan, S. (2012), Applicability of the high performance organization framework in the Middle East: the case of Palestine Polytechnic University, Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 5, 3: 213 – 223
- André de Waal, Veer, S. van der and Spek, H. (2012), The applicability of the high performance organizations framework in Dutch soccer clubs, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 10, 3: 83 -94
- André de Waal , Heijden, BI.J.M. van der, Selvarajah, C. and Meyer, D. (2012), Characteristics of high performing managers in The Netherlands, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33, 2: 131 – 148
- André de Waal and Chipeta, K. (2013), Effects of culture on the perception of South African and Tanzanian business students on high performance organizations, EURAM 2013 Conference 2013, June
- André de Waal and Haas, J. de (2013), Working on High Performance: the Case of NEH Philippines, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 32, 5: 6-21
- André de Waal and Jansen, P. (2013), The bonus as hygiene factor: the role of reward systems in the high performance organization, Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, 1, 1: 41 – 59
- André de Waal and Kerklaan, L. (2013), Developing an evidence-based management approach for creating high performing higher education institutions, MSM 3rd Annual Conference, Maastricht
- Waal, A. de and Tan Akaraborworn, C. (2014), Is the high performance organization framework suitable for Thai organizations?, Measuring Business Excellence, 17, 4: 76-87
- André de Waal, Orij, R., Rosman, J. and Zevenbergen, M. (2014), Applicability of the high performance organizations framework in the diamond industry value chain, Journal of Strategy and Management, 7, 1: 30-48
Click on this link to open all publication until August 2016.
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